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Berlin, Germany April 14 - 17, 2014

CPSWeek 2014




The CPSWeek brings together five leading conferences - HSCC, ICCPS, IPSN, RTAS, and HiCoNS - as well as several workshops and tutorials on various aspects on the research and development of cyber-physical systems. You can register for those conferences, workshops, and tutorials online. If you have any questions and/or do not want to register online, please contact registration (at)

Note: US based students might be eligible for travel support, sponsored by NSF. More information can be found here.

CPSWeek 2014 online registration is open. Online registration will close on April 8th.

Please read the instructions below and follow the link to the registration system at the bottom of this page

The registration fees for CPS Week 2014 are as shown in the table below.

For authors of conference papers, at least one author per paper must register at the full (non-student) fee. The same rule applies for Poster/Demos/WiP accepted contributions, if and only if these are published in the proceedings of the conferences. For authors with multiple accepted contributions, a single full registration is sufficient. Contact registration (at) if you are unsure about the type of registration you should do.

Registration for Workshops/Tutorials entitles you to participating in Workshop and Tutorial Day, April 14th. Although you are registering for a specific Workshop resp. a specific Tutorial, you are entitled to switch events any time you want. You can also register for two half-day events. There is no reduction in registration fee if you register only for one half-day event.

Registration for Workshop/Tutorials includes lunch on April 14th. Extra lunch tickets (for accompanying persons) can be purchased during the registration process at a cost of 40 Euro per ticket.

Registration for the IPSN Location Competition (April 13th to 14th) entitles you to participate on Sunday, April 13th (Preparation Day) and Monday, April 14th (Competition Day). Registration for the Location Copetition includes lunch on Monday, only. Extra lunch tickets (for accompanying persons) can be purchased during the registration process at a cost of 40 Euro per ticket.

Registration for the Conferences entitles you to participating in the main conference April 15th to 17th. Lunches on April 15th to 17th are included. Extra lunch tickets (for accompanying persons) can be purchased during the registration process at a cost of 40 Euro per ticket. One ticket to the dinner is included with each conference registration. Extra banquet tickets for guests may be purchased at a cost of 100 Euro per ticket during the registration process.

Extra page charges (up to two pages) should be paid during the registration process (possible for RTAS only).

Registration fees

Early Registration (Before/On March 7, 2014, GMT-12)

Conferences, April 15-17Workshops/Tutorials, April 14 IPSN Location Competition, April 13-14
IEEE/ACM member610 Euro235 Euro
Non-member745 Euro310 Euro
Student IEEE/ACM member370 Euro175 Euro
Student non-member445 Euro255 Euro

Regular Registration (On/After March 8, 2014, GMT-12)

Conferences, April 15-17Workshops/Tutorials, April 14 IPSN Location Competition, April 13-14
IEEE/ACM member690 Euro295 Euro
Non-member840 Euro370 Euro
Student IEEE/ACM member450 Euro255 Euro
Student non-member540 Euro350 Euro

Note: A refund for any canceled registration, minus an administrative overhead fee of 150 Euro, will be available if canceled by March 14, 2014 (GMT-12). Refunds are not guaranteed for cancellations made after that date, and would only be issued at the discretion of the conference organizers depending on conference finances.

Payment of Registration fees

Registration fees can be paid using credit card or money transfer.

Payment by credit card is possible using the online payment option of the registration system. Participants from a Non-European Country are encouraged to do so.

Participants from Europe are strongly encouraged to pay by money transfer, although credit card payment is possible, too. If you choose money transfer, please use the following information:

Account Holder:Universitaet Oldenburg
Bank:Landessparkasse zu Oldenburg (LzO)
IBAN Code:DE 4628 0501 0000 0198 8112
Reason for transfer:CPSWeek 2014 / YOUR NAME

Please don't forget to state the Reason for transfer (CPSWeek 2014 / YOUR NAME) when processing your payment via money transfer.

Registration process

You can register for the Conference in four easy steps. If, at any time, you have problems with registration, please write an email to Kathrin Kuper or Juergen Niehaus (see contact data at the top of this page).

1.Create an account with the registration system
  • Click the link at the bottom of this page to go to the registration system
  • Choose 'Login' at the top of the page; Choose 'create an account' on the page that follows.
  • Supply your data and press 'Create User'
  • You will get an email with a link that you must follow to complete your account creation
2.Select your type of registration
  • Log into the registration system by supplying your login data from step 1
  • Choose the type of registration you want to make (ie., ACM/IEEE member / non-member; Full registration or student registration). Please be aware that you will be required to give proof of your status, ie. members of ACM or IEEE will be required to provide their member number during registration process; students will be required to send a scaned copy of their student id.
  • Select 'Register for conference' in the category you choose
  • The pricing information for this type of registration will be shown.You need not choose anything here, this is done in the next step
  • At the bottom of the page, press 'Register for conference' (or Cancel, if you choose the wrong category or want to register later)
3.Choose the details of your registration
  • If you pressed 'Register for conference' in step 2, you will be presented with a list of options. Choose the details of your registration from them:
    • Under the heading Registration for Main Conferences (April 15 – 17) select in which conference you want to participate (or 'No participation in main conference' if you do not want to participate in the main conference)
    • Under the heading Registration for Workshop- and Tutorial-Day (April 14), IPSN Location Competition (April 13-14) and Additional Items, select if you want to participate on Workshop&Tutorial Day or in the IPSN Location Competition, as well as any additional items that you'll need. Please read the text for each item to see whether you need to supply any additional data in the comments field below.
    • If you want to pay by money transfer, check 'I want to pay by money transfer. Please issue an advanced invoice'.
    • Suply any additional data in the comments field.
    • If you participate in Workshop and Tutorial Day, please choose the workshop or tutorial from the following list
  • Complete your registration by clicking on the Complete registration and pay by credit card or - if you choose money tranfer above - Request invoice and complete registration
4.Payment of registration fees.
  • If you decided to pay by money transfer, you will receive an advance invoice inside of a few days. Use it and the banking account data therein to initiate the money transfer.
  • If you decided to pay by credit card, you will be directed to 'Sparkasse Internet banking' site. Supply your credit card data and press 'O.K.' to initiate your payment

Register here

Online Registration is closed